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11.5-12.5 MONTHS:

Animal Hide and Seek – PAUSED

Babies pay close attention to how objects behave in the world and know that objects cannot just seemingly change their identity for no reason. Here, we are asking if babies still remember that an object is the same one even if it disappears and reappears from view. This study will help us understand how babies start to use their knowledge about objects to respond to events involving those objects.

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                                            11.5-12.5 MONTHS:

Who do I see?

We are interested in how well babies remember which faces they have seen, and whether they remember better if the face (like a particular individual) was given its own name. Babies pay close attention to what we say to them even before they can produce their own words, and this tells us that how we name objects for them can already guide how they think about these objects.

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14-16 months:

Learning about Hidden Creatures

We want to understand how babies’ ability to imagine and name an object they have never seen based on a few familiar images (measured at 14-16 months), helps them learn detailed new information from language at 22-24 months. This will help us better understand how babies begin to make a link between language and knowledge and learn about things they have never experienced from language. Down the road, this understanding will also help other scientists identify babies who may experience difficulties with learning from language and help them overcome those difficulties.

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15-19 months:

What’s Hiding in the Box?

We want to understand if babies at 15-18 months can learn new word meanings without seeing the objects they stand for. If three familiar objects shown are fruits, can babies infer that the hidden object is also a fruit and learn its name? What happens if they can only hear the names of fruits but cannot see them? We want to understand how babies begin to use what they already know and what they see to learn new information about things they have never seen.

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